Linköpingsbaserad byrå som arbetar med filmproduktion och grafisk design för print och web.
HOMBRE Productions Inc. was a one man operation that was founded in 2004 by me, Björn Rallare, after running my own businesses since 1997. In 2016 I changed company form to AB and I now am Björn Rallare AB. Alongside creating graphics, I've also managed bands and had my own record label for 10 years. There's where the real challenge was - to make everything look bigger and better with only time and creativity at hand.

Over the years I've worked for a wide range of clients, from small start-ups, bands, or larger international companies to clothing lines or book publishers and I also have had the opportunity to work with very talented people on many projects.

On a more personal note, I was born in 1974, have three sons and a wife and I like to wear a hat.